September 8, 2024

Falah-e-Darain school : Renovation work done Alhamdulillah!!!

As salaamu alaikum wa rehmatullahe wa barakatuhu
Alhamdulillah by the grace, mercy and blessings of Allah alone we have received tremendous response from our brother and sisters in this noble task of helping the students in need. We have already handed over Rs 1,34,852/- (Rs 32,000/- extra) to the school authorities and work is completed Alhamdulillah. Given below are the latest snaps taken at school. Also the list of sponsors who had donated generously.
Further details with receipts and names of students sponsored shall be circulated in next mail In sha Allah.
We pray to Allah that our little effort is accepted and we are rewarded with the best in the world & Hereafter. Aamin.
Old Rack replaced with New Cupboard for storing Administration files of School
Snaps of the School before and After Renovation
List of the Sponsors. May Allah reward them abundantly in the world and Hereafter Aamin
Sr No Name Amount
1 Rafat Ansari 500
2 Muhammad Irfan 1000
3 Shafique Shaikh 6000
4 Acbar Rathore 12111
5 Afrin Qatar 5000
6 Mohammad Deeba Nazam 500
7 Mohammad Owais Ahmad 500
8 Suha Zia 7472
9 Asif Dange 5000
10 Afrin Dange 5000
11 Omer Shareef 10000
12 Asmina Dange 2000
13 Hussain Muniazar 5000
14 Omar Farooq 2500
15 Imran Baig 10000
16 Acbar Rathore 15002
17 Amin 40267
18 Safiulla Sharieff 1000
19 Atif Rumani 4000
20 Javed Sayed 2000
Total 134852
Please remember me in your precious duas and constantly make dua that all our efforts are being done for the right people and right cause and we don’t get trapped by anyone In sha Allah.

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Best Regards,
Asif Dange